"Desperate Housewives" Emmy-Winning Actress
Kathryn Joosten Talks Lung Cancer on Entertainment Tonight
From EntertainmentTonight.com...
Two-time Emmy winner Kathryn Joosten is opening up about her own lung cancer battle, and also speaking about her fight to bring attention to the lung cancer cause.
Joosten, who is suffering her second bout with cancer, told Entertainment Tonight, "I plan on being the Ryan White of lung cancer and I say that because lung cancer today is where AIDS was in the '80s. The public's perception was you were naughty, you did it to yourself, you're going to die anyhow, so what the hell do we care?"
"I want them to know that the public has to stop treating it as though it were some invisible stepchild that can be ignored," Joosten says in our new interview. "You've got to start stepping forward. Smoking is going down, down, down. You don't see people smoking in public places anymore, hardly at all. Lung cancer is going up, up, up and we're not paying any attention."
Joosten recently underwent surgery to treat her cancer and is already back to work on "Desperate Housewives."
Two-time Emmy winner Kathryn Joosten is opening up about her own lung cancer battle, and also speaking about her fight to bring attention to the lung cancer cause.
Joosten, who is suffering her second bout with cancer, told Entertainment Tonight, "I plan on being the Ryan White of lung cancer and I say that because lung cancer today is where AIDS was in the '80s. The public's perception was you were naughty, you did it to yourself, you're going to die anyhow, so what the hell do we care?"
"I want them to know that the public has to stop treating it as though it were some invisible stepchild that can be ignored," Joosten says in our new interview. "You've got to start stepping forward. Smoking is going down, down, down. You don't see people smoking in public places anymore, hardly at all. Lung cancer is going up, up, up and we're not paying any attention."
Joosten recently underwent surgery to treat her cancer and is already back to work on "Desperate Housewives."