We are about halfway through Lung Cancer Awareness Month and I would like to offer some information about a fantastic organization. If you are reading this, you likely know about this group. But, even if you do, I encourage you to sit back with your favorite beverage and take a few minutes to watch the video at the end of this post. When supporting any cause or charity with a financial gift, prudent questions are “Where does the money go?”, “How effective is the organization?”, “Is it worthy of my support?”, "What are they doing?", "What have they done?" I ask these questions myself before choosing to financially support any charitable cause. This video, narrated by their Senior Director of Patient Services and Programs, Danielle Hicks, does an excellent job of answering these questions for The Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation (ALCF). My family and I met the Addarios shortly after our mother died in 2007. We were immediately struck by their sincerity, warmth - and tenacity. But, we were also impressed by their team and how they were attacking the lung cancer problem with intelligence and professionalism. In 2010, The Joan Gaeta Lung Cancer Fund proudly became an affiliate of ALCF. And, since 2012, those of you in Georgia have been able to order Lung Cancer Awareness License Plates - a first in the United States. 85% of the annual tag fee goes to ALCF’s research institute. You can also donate directly to ALCF via this link. Please to watch the video and consider a donation during this important month. Thank you, Joseph A. Gaeta The Joan Gaeta Lung Cancer Fund
Please help us in our continuing effort..... Donate today. December 2012
Dear Friends, Thank you for your generous support of The Joan Gaeta Lung Cancer Fund over the years, including our annual fundraiser, Dancing for Joan. We are sincerely grateful. Thanks to you, we have done a lot in the fight against t the #1 cancer killer in the world. However, in the five years since we first went Dancing for Joan, over a million more people have been diagnosed with lung cancer in the United States alone. Nearly 800,000 have died. And the support and funding for lung cancer remain mere fractions of what other cancers receive. Mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, sisters and brothers, smokers and non-smokers alike all continue to be afflicted. Much more needs to be done. As we move into our second five years in this fight, we are announcing that we will no longer host our annual Dancing for Joan event. This decision was not made lightly and in no way suggests a wavering in our commitment to this very important cause – a cause that will always be close to our hearts. Rather, this decision reflects the continuing evolution of The Joan Gaeta Lung Cancer Fund. We are not giving up and neither should you. We have accomplished a tremendous amount in our first five years. Because of your generosity, we have:
We are very proud of these accomplishments and it could not have been done without you. Our decision to move beyond Dancing for Joan is made with happiness at what we have done up to this point. It is an opportunity to channel our energy into other efforts. Moving forward, we will:
It is our hope that you will continue to support us in any way that you can so we can continue this fight. And, if you live in Georgia, please consider letting your fellow motorists know that “Lung Cancer Matters” by purchasing a lung cancer awareness license plate at LungCancerLicensePlate.org. Once again, we thank you for your generous support. Sincerely, The Joan Gaeta Lung Cancer Fund Joe Gaeta ~ Christina Pink ~ Richard Gaeta, Jr. ~ Theresa Andretta ~ Maria Cressler ~ Richard Gaeta, Sr. The Joan Gaeta Lung Cancer Fund is celebrating our fifth year of lung cancer advocacy. It is highlighed by the Fifth Annual Dancing for Joan presented by Northside Hospital Cancer Care on February 25th. We are also launching our "Five Years - Five Dollars" campaign. Help us raise awareness, fight the stigma, and fund the great work being done at The Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute by donating just $5 via the button below - and share this link with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or via e-mail. Thanks for your support!
Lung cancer matters, too. Nobody deserves lung cancer. And you do not have to smoke to get it. Learn more. |