10/2/2012 34-Year-Old Mother And Lung Cancer Patient Teams Up With The Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation For Frys.com Golf Tournament (October 8-14, 2012)Read NowNatalie DiMarco, Daughter of Fry's Electronics CEO John Fry, Rallies Supporters to Raise Monies to Eradicate Lung Cancer SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Natalie DiMarco is on a mission: to get the attention of First Lady Michelle Obama, Ellen DeGeneres, NBC Today Show's Natalie Morales, Howard Stern and a celebrity roster of high-profile media influencers (and the world) to stand up and pay attention to lung cancer. Almost immediately after being diagnosed with lung cancer, the North Bay, CA mother of two launched her personal campaign to beat the disease, and to tweet to get the attention of media influencers and proactively spread the word. She's also focused on improving all aspects of her life, both physical and emotional. She tweets the media stars with a heart-tugging message that includes a photo of her five and three-and-a-half-year-old daughters, Nicole and Megan: "Here are my two beauties promoting awareness for me, a non-smoker lung cancer survivor at age 34." DiMarco is bringing her team of supporters - Team Natalie, to the "Frys.com Open," Oct. 8-14, 2012 at CordeValle Golf Club, in San Martin, California. Frys.com has been a strong supporter of the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation (BJALCF), which has been earmarked as the featured charity on Oct. 13th at the tournament. The foundation has been a lifeline to DiMarco and her family since her diagnosis. For DiMarco, a non-smoker, the mission to spread awareness about lung cancer is personal and passionate. In March 2010, on her daughter's first birthday, and after months of numerous doctors misdiagnosing her constant cough and inability to catch her breath, she was dealt a bitter blow: Stage IV lung cancer. "It took me a long, long time and several different doctors and two biopsies before I was diagnosed properly," she said. "My first thought after hearing the news, was what was going to happen to my daughters?" My next thought was: "OK what do we have to do?" Today she is determined to fight the disease and help the 1.6 million people who will be diagnosed worldwide with lung cancer this year. Only 15.5 percent will survive. She is determined to quadruple the survival rate. "We need an army behind us to let the world know what lung cancer patients face and to get the medical community to start aggressively diagnosing and treating this cancer fast," she says. "Lung cancer is an epidemic and I believe we need to rally and do whatever we can to spread the word about how many people this disease is hurting." DiMarco is making an impact. For two years in a row she has brought together Team Natalie at the BJALCF San Francisco 5ks in Golden Gate Park and with about 100 team members each year, she has raised nearly $45,000 so far. "We are thrilled to be the featured charity of the Frys.com Open," said Bonnie J. Addario, founder of BJALCF and 7-year survivor. "Natalie hopes through telling her story that everyone will be encouraged to speak up about lung cancer and not be afraid of the stigma. She gives a powerful voice to all lung cancer patients, especially those diagnosed so young. It shows we are standing up to fight this disease-an epidemic, and together we can bring hope home. You can join Natalie in the fight against lung cancer by participating with us in Fry's.com Open." Currently Natalie is being treated at the Stanford Cancer Clinic and has undergone 39 cycles of chemotherapy - distributed every three weeks. She is also receiving an aggressive Eastern energy-healing regimen at Wu's Healing Center that includes: meditation, organ massage, yoga, herbs, breathing techniques, eating local organic foods and removing the upsetting drama in her life. It has been vital to her progress that she is part of the treatment team with her doctors and they all collaborate with each other. Key to her treatment is the emotional support she and her mother, Teri, have received through the Bonnie J.Addario Lung Cancer Foundation. Determined to accompany and support her daughter on her journey through cancer, Natalie's mom, Teri, is a regular attendee at the foundation's monthly support group - The Lung Cancer Living Room®. The foundation connects patients, physicians, researchers and all involved in lung cancer to work collaboratively and most importantly to share the latest breakthroughs to give patients like DiMarco a voice and access to the best treatments. "The foundation has been a godsend for me and my family," says DiMarco. "I was blessed to go all over the county and learn about cancer. I want others to realize that the foundation is the place to go for lung cancer patients. If I hadn't gone there, I wouldn't have met my doctor and learned about all the tools and techniques I am using. Other patients don't know BJALCF is the place where they can be connected to the best treatment out there." She added: "My focus is that this cancer is a blessing. If I hadn't been diagnosed with cancer, my kids would have never learned about nutrition and how diet and exercise can play a significant role in balancing your body and in making mommy feel better again. My kids will be healthier and stronger because of all of this. " About the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation BJALCF is one of the largest philanthropies (patient-founded, patient-focused, and patient-driven) devoted exclusively to eradicating Lung Cancer through research, early detection, education, and treatment. The Foundation works with a diverse group of physicians, organizations, industry partners, individuals, survivors, and their families to identify solutions and make timely and meaningful change. BJALCF was established on March 6, 2006 as a 501© (3) non-profit organization. SOURCE Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation Copyright (C) 2012 PR Newswire. All rights reserved
Originally posted at www.lungcancerfoundtion.org. BLINDSIDED BY DIAGNOSIS, 42-YEAR-OLD SAN FRANCISCO ENTREPRENEUR RAISES NEARLY $70,000 TO TAKE DOWN LUNG CANCER William Marble Kipp II and Friends Join the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation’s Army of Alliance Partners SAN FRANCISCO (July 2, 2012) — Like many who rushed to Silicon Valley’s Internet gold rush, William Marble Kipp II found fame fast and furious. First as an innovator in the early 1990’s at Google, then launching his own renewable energy enterprise, nothing could stop this passionate 42-year-old trailblazer. Until last summer in August of 2011 when the never smoker, avid athlete and father of two was diagnosed with metastatic Lung Cancer. In the months that have followed, with the help of his sister Kassidee, 29, and other family members, Kipp is working non-stop to spread awareness and raise funding for the cancer that kills more than 1.3 million worldwide annually and 450 per day in the United States. On May 19, 2012, The William Marble Kipp II Foundation www.WMK2.com raised nearly $70,000 for the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation (BJALCF) to help efforts to find a cure for Lung Cancer, at its inaugural fundraiser. The event was held at Bluxome Street Winery in the bustling SoMa district of San Francisco. More than 180 friends and family joined the Kipps to show support for Kipp and to mobilize with the Foundation to end Lung Cancer This pairing of the Kipp Foundation and the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation speaks volumes about the grassroots efforts and initiatives that are joining forces to lend their voice to help fight Lung Cancer. To date, and coast-to-coast, private foundations, independent fundraising initiatives, individuals, families and organizations have teamed up to build on the momentum of BJALCF. They include the Atlanta-based Joan Gaeta Lung Cancer Fund which “Dances for Joan” each year, Grow For The Cure out of South Carolina which touts an innovative online adventure for men to grow beards in humorous shapes and names like “Zappa” and “Old Dutch” challenging support from friends online. Mae’s Breath in New York inhales hope and exhales the stigma, Minnesota-hosted dinner parties in honor of a loved one, galas in Los Angeles, and the Hank Baskett Classic Golf Tournament at Trump International gather thousands together to raise money for Lung Cancer research. “I have always believed taking down Lung Cancer is going to take a village,” says Bonnie J. Addario, founder and 8-year Lung Cancer survivor. “I couldn’t be more thrilled that from SoHo to SoMa we’ve got an uprising and urgency in motion to collaborate in a celebratory way with courageous celebrity voices speaking up like Hank Baskett and Kendra Wilkinson. We’re fighting for the lives of people like William and Hank’s dad because what the world needs to know is that ANYONE CAN GET LUNG CANCER.” “This is just the beginning of what we want to do for Bonnie and the foundation,” said Kassidee Kipp, organizer of the event. “When my brother was diagnosed he was blindsided. But we quickly decided that we wanted to do something to help others impacted by the disease and to help them know they are definitely not alone.” At the fundraiser, William’s children, Katerina, 8, and William the III, who they call, “Mars,” 6, sold bracelets they made themselves raising almost $1,200 in support of their dad and his battle with Lung Cancer, said Kassidee. “His kids feel they need to do something to help their dad,” she said. “They are going to fight to find a cure for their dad and others.” What’s next? It’s called “Fun-Raising” The list of ways you can get involved is growing in leaps and bounds. Please jump on one of the bandwagons below or come up with your own. The Foundation is here to partner with you in many ways…your imagination has no limits. Lung Cancer does not stand a chance because all monies raised go directly to cutting-edge Lung Cancer research. TUNE IN TOMORROW NIGHT to “Kendra ON TOP” (WE tv) Tuesday, July 3 www.wetv.com/shows/kendra-on-top TUNE INTO THE LUNG CANCER LIVING ROOM® EVERY THIRD TUESDAY http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-lung-cancer-living-room-support-group BJALCF–Your Next Step is the Cure® 5ks across the country www.yournextstepisthecure.org Jill’s Legacy®–Jog for Jills 5ks on College Campuses www.jogforjill.com Jill’s Legacy®-Nick’s Crispy Tacos fundraising Party-San Francisco, CA July 26 1500 Broadway, San Francisco, CA 94109 THE GREAT LUNG RUN NYC to SF July 29 www.thegreatlungrun.com Stride for Susie and Smita 5K Saratoga, CA August 26 www.strideforsusieandsmita.kintera.org Taking Lung Cancer By Storm, Seattle Storm Seattle, WA September 21 www.lungcancerfoundation.org Cruise For Your Breath Baltimore, MD September 22 www.cruiseforyourbreath.com Fighting Barry 5K, Washington, DC September 23 www.fightingbarry.com Fry’s.com Open CordeValle Golf Course, CordeValle, CA October 8 -14 www.frysopen.com A Next Step For The Cure In Honor of Fred Spanton Ashville, NC October 21 www.lungcancerfoundation.org Palisano/Benson Lung Cancer Barrel Race Santa Rosa, CA November 4 www.2012memorialbarrelrace.kintera.org Simply the Best Dinner Gala 7 San Francisco, CA November 10 www.lungcancerfoundation.org For press inquiries, contact Sheila Von Driska, Communications, at 415.357.1278 or [email protected] To host an event in your town, contact Jennifer Hughes, Manager of Affiliates and Independent Fundraisers, at 650.333.6936 or [email protected] About the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation BJALCF is one of the largest philanthropies (patient-founded, patient-focused, and patient-driven) devoted exclusively to eradicating Lung Cancer through research, early detection, education, and treatment. The Foundation works with a diverse group of physicians, organizations, industry partners, individuals, survivors, and their families to identify solutions and make timely and meaningful change. BJALCF was established on March 6, 2006 as a 501©(3) non-profit organization and has raised over nine million dollars for Lung Cancer research. www.lungcancerfoundation.org About the William Marble Kipp II Foundation The WMKII Foundation is dedicated to increasing awareness of Lung Cancer and funding research for advanced treatments for the disease. William was diagnosed with stage IV Lung Cancer in August of 2011 and is currently undergoing treatment. In 2012 his family and friends established the WMKII Foundation in his honor. www.wmk2.org. 6/20/2012 @TheHankBaskett & @TeamDraft Teamed Up w/ @BonnieJAddario and Raised $145K to Drive the #1 Cancer Killer Off the MapRead NowSAN FRANCISCO, June 20, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The former NFL duo is rallying a star-studded list of Hollywood and athletic celebrities to join them in their personal journey to tackle lung cancer Hank: "I'm here to support Bonnie's Foundation because lung cancer is personal to me. It has swooped in and attacked my dad, & I understand how brutally destructive this cancer is & how many people are waging war to battle it." Chris: "I am honored to be here and passionate about helping an organization like the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation that is leading the way, and pushing for immediate answers - not future hypotheses, for people like my wife, who never smoked and was in great physical shape, but was diagnosed with lung cancer and died less than a year later. Bonnie is demanding answers NOW!" Hank: "Every breath you take--the fuel of your body starts with your lungs. So take care of your lungs because you'll need them--more than you'll ever imagine. Trust me." Bonnie: "I get the breathing thing...I know it first hand and I know what it feels like when you can't. It is our FUEL. Without it, life is terribly compromised...just having the support of Chris and Hank takes my breath away--in the good way!" While the U.S. Open was in full swing just 15 minutes away at the Olympic Club in San Francisco, 144 heroes including NFL stars Chris Draft and Hank Baskett were championing the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation's Seventh Annual "Lung Cancer: Drive it off the Earth" Golf Tournament at Alistair MacKenzie-designed Green Hills Country Club. This year's tournament raised more than $145,000 for this least-funded, yet most deadly cancer, which will go toward Lung Cancer research. For both players, lung cancer is personal. Baskett, signed by the Colts and went on to play five years in the NFL with the Indianapolis Colts, Minnesota Vikings, and the Philadelphia Eagles is helping his father battle the disease. Draft, played 12 years in the NFL for the Chicago Bears, San Francisco 49ers, Atlanta Falcons, Carolina Panthers, St. Louis Rams, and the Buffalo Bills recently lost his wife to the disease. Together, they are tackling lung cancer by raising awareness. "We're proud that Hank Baskett and Chris Draft are making a bold statement against Lung Cancer," says Bonnie J. Addario, founder and a Lung Cancer survivor. "We're so honored to have Hank and Chris--and their football and Hollywood friends--on our team helping to raise much-needed funding and awareness for Lung Cancer and the message that ANYONE CAN GET LUNG CANCER." The reception cocktail party, silent and live auctions and raffle proved that everyone was a winner. Addario, one of the rare Lung Cancer survivors and founder of the Foundation, welcomed Draft and Baskett into the Foundation's family at dinner. "I'm so proud to have Hank and Chris in our family," said Bonnie. "Hank, I loved meeting your Dad at the tournament you held for us in May at the Trump National Golf Club. The only way I can describe him is he's a GREAT BIG HUG and your mom is a pistol. The leadership and courage you and Chris are bringing to the team has grown way beyond the football field. Thank you for stepping up and helping us turn Lung Cancer into a manageable, survivable disease." There wasn't a dry eye in the house after an airing of "Chris Draft, Love and Loss," -ESPN's touching profile of Chris and his late wife Keasha, and their commitment to dance, smile, and live as they fought lung cancer together. As a former Charlotte Hornets Honeybee dancer and member of Clemson University's Rally Cat dance squad, Keasha was an energetic vibrant young woman who had never smoked when she was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer in December 2010. At the time, her only "symptom" was a slight shortness of breath a few days earlier. Despite the diagnosis and knowing the long odds they faced, Keasha and Chris decided to fight back. On November 27, 2011, standing side-by-side, they launched Team Draft together at their wedding. One month later, Keasha lost her courageous fight and died at the age of 38. "The only way to tackle the issue of lung cancer is to do it as a solid team bringing together everyone from the patients and caregivers to the researchers and the doctors who are demanding that the results so far are not good at all," said Draft. "There's no one group that has a monopoly on this and that is why I was drawn to Bonnie and the foundation because they are working as a team with the Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute (ALCMI) and their Lung Cancer Living Room® series. What separates them is that Bonnie knows there is a sense of urgency. Keasha had one year from her diagnosis, so I don't listen when someone says 'we're working on it." That's not good enough." First place winners of the sold-out tournament were Michael Vasquez, Greg Gabbani, Josh Lutz and many-time winner Eddie Hernandez with an astounding 54. Second place winners were Rich Deponte, Stan Colombo, Dan Poncabra and long-time faithful major donor Mo Townsley with a score of 55. The tournament's presenting sponsor's team from the Burns Family Foundation and Mobius Fit was led by Rob Dean and the foursome including Dave Engel, Ross Headley and Jeff Lokey came in third with a score of 56 (26 back 9). To view select photos from the tournament, go to: http://tinyurl.com/BJAgolf2012 To join the team and host an event or golf tournament in your town, contact Jennifer Hughes, Manager of Affiliates and Independent Fundraisers, at 650.333.6936 or [email protected] For press inquiries, contact Sheila Von Driska, Communications, at 415.357.1278 or [email protected] About the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation BJALCF is one of the largest philanthropies (patient-founded, patient-focused, and patient-driven) devoted exclusively to eradicating Lung Cancer through research, early detection, education, and treatment. The Foundation works with a diverse group of physicians, organizations, industry partners, individuals, survivors, and their families to identify solutions and make timely and meaningful change. BJALCF was established on March 6, 2006 as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. www.lungcancerfoundation.org About The Chris Draft Family Foundation and Team Draft The Chris Draft Family Foundation is a 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation dedicated to strengthening communities by empowering families to live healthy lifestyles. The Foundation focuses on several initiatives with overarching themes that stress the importance of education, healthy lifestyles, character development, personal responsibility, self-discipline, and physical fitness. To learn more about the Chris Draft Family Foundation, please visit www.chrisdraftfamilyfoundation.org . SOURCE Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation Copyright (C) 2012 PR Newswire. All rights reserved 5/29/2012 @thehankbaskett Teamed Up With @bonniejaddario To Host His Inaugural Golf Classic on May 21, 2012 #lungcancerRead NowBy Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation Published: Tuesday, May. 29, 2012 - 2:09 am SAN FRANCISCO, May 29, 2012 -- NFL Wide Receiver Takes on Biggest Fight of His Life for His Father and Rallies a Star-Studded Team of Players to Tackle Lung Cancer SAN FRANCISCO, May 29, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- For NFL wide receiver Hank Baskett, Lung Cancer is personal. On May 21, the former Minnesota Vikings player rallied a star-studded list of Hollywood and athletic celebrities to host his inaugural Hank Baskett Classic Golf Tournament, saying he was launching his "biggest challenge ever," to wage a war on this #1 killer cancer. He's fighting on behalf of his father who is being treated for Lung Cancer. Teaming up with the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, a recognized global leader in Lung Cancer research and awareness, Baskett rallied an A-Team of about 25 celebrities to play in the tournament held at Trump National Golf Club, Rancho Palos Verdes, California, on Monday, May 21, 2012. Celebrities included: Alfonso Ribeiro, Antonio Pierce, Jermaine Dye, Kris Humphries, Marcellus Wiley and his wife Kendra Wilkinson and two-year-old son, Hank IV. "It was amazing to see all these beautiful people coming out to fight against Lung Cancer and how they brought such a heightened awareness, respect and caring in a powerful way," said Bonnie J. Addario, founder and Lung Cancer survivor. "Hank's father is a big warm hug of a guy and is determined to fight the fight." Joining his son at the golf tournament, Henry Randall "Hank" Baskett, Jr. of New Mexico was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer last fall. Spending much of his career in the Air Force, he has spent the last 16 years helping abused children through a social service agency he runs. "You can see why his son is following in his footsteps and has such an impact in leading others to fight the fight on Lung Cancer," Addario added. "Everyone at the tournament told us 'when Hank calls, we come.' And, Hank told us that if we love what he did at this golf tournament in just three months, we will love to see what he can do in the next year." Through working with the Foundation, Baskett is determined to make a difference in the battle against Lung Cancer. The statistics are grim: 1.6 million people worldwide will be diagnosed with Lung Cancer this year. Only 15.5% will survive. "You can see the passion Bonnie has and that is one of the many reasons why I chose to work with the Foundation," said Baskett following the tournament. Baskett will join the Foundation again on June 11, 2012 for its Seventh Annual "Lung Cancer: Drive It off the Earth" Golf Tournament to be held at Green Hills Country Club in Millbrae, CA. About the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation BJALCF is one of the largest philanthropies (patient-founded, patient-focused, and patient-driven) devoted exclusively to eradicating Lung Cancer through research, early detection, education, and treatment. The Foundation works with a diverse group of physicians, organizations, industry partners, individuals, survivors, and their families to identify solutions and make timely and meaningful change. BJALCF was established on March 6, 2006 as a 501© (3) non-profit organization. www.lungcancerfoundation.org SOURCE Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/05/29/4522253/hank-baskett-teamed-up-with-the.html#storylink=cpy 4/10/2012 @TheHankBaskett Holds Super Bowl of Golf Tournaments May 20-21 to Score Financial Backing for the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation #lungcancer @hbgolfclassicRead NowHank Baskett and his Dad. SAN FRANCISCO, April 10, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- NFL wide receiver Hank Baskett, former Minnesota Vikings player, is calling on his A-Team list of players and celebrities to drive Lung Cancer off the earth and score major funding for the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation with an inaugural charity golf tournament May 21 at Donald Trump's golf club in Rancho Palos Verdes in California. Baskett has recruited a major league team of power hitters to attend including: Kendra Wilkinson, Stephen C. Bishop, Christopher Duncan, Alfonso Ribeiro, Jermaine Dye, Michael Strahan, Corey Dillon, Jessica Hall, Sara Underwood, Jayde Nicole, Tosh Berman, David Justice, Marcellus Wiley, Danielle Fishel, Matt Nordgren, Kris Humphries, Kevin Love, Danny Granger, Adrienne Maloof and Eric Allen. The celebrated football player is determined to smash this deadly opponent – Lung Cancer. The statistics are grim: 1.6 million people worldwide will be diagnosed with Lung Cancer this year. Only 15.5% will survive. He's teaming up with the foundation because he's determined to help us make a powerful impact and a winning difference. The Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation has raised $9 million to support research and related patient services, and has become a recognized global leader in Lung Cancer research. It provides patient empowerment, support, referrals, and valuable information on up-to-the-minute treatment options, genetic testing and personalized medicine, offering hope that Lung Cancer can become a chronically managed disease in our lifetime. "We're proud to be partnering with Hank Baskett," says Bonnie J. Addario, founder and a Lung Cancer survivor. "We're so honored to have Hank on our team helping to raise essential funding and awareness for Lung Cancer and the message that ANYONE CAN GET LUNG CANCER." Baskett also will serve as honorary chair of the Seventh Annual Golf Tournament on June 11, 2012 at Green Hills Country Club in Millbrae, CA. Addario urges everyone: "To join the efforts in changing the inexcusable 15.5 percent survival rate for Lung Cancer patients and to help and support the foundation in saving lives and supporting our efforts." Ninety percent of all funds raised support research and mission related programming. The invitation-only VIP Welcome Reception will be held at 7 p.m. in the Catalina Ballroom of the Terranea Resort and Spa in Rancho Palos Verdes, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Registration begins at 10 a.m. on May 21, the next day, for The Hank Baskett Classic Golf Tournament followed by lunch and a shotgun start at 11:30 a.m. at Trump National Golf Club. Sponsorship packages are available through The Griffin Gives Foundation for tee box sponsors (prices vary according to the level of sponsorship). To inquire about sponsorship opportunities please click HERE or contact [email protected] or at 267-382-0261. For more information, contact Sheila Von Driska, Communications, at 415.357.1278 or [email protected]. About the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation BJALCF is one of the largest philanthropies (patient-founded, patient-focused, and patient-driven) devoted exclusively to eradicating Lung Cancer through research, early detection, education, and treatment. The Foundation works with a diverse group of physicians, organizations, industry partners, individuals, survivors, and their families to identify solutions and make timely and meaningful change. BJALCF was established on March 6, 2006 as a 501© (3) non-profit organization. Photo courtesy of Hank Baskett SOURCE: Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation Danielle Hicks, Director of Patient Advocacy and Empowerment at the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation shares the BJALCF story and mission with Comcast Newsmakers and upcoming information on the June 11, 2012 Golf Tournament and Simply the Best Dinner Gala VII on November 10, 2012 in San Francisco.
3/29/2012 Jogging for Joan at Breathe Deep Blue Ridge - Saturday, April 7th @LUNGevity @MercierOrchardsRead NowJogging for Joan is the team name in memory of Joan Gaeta for various lung cancer run/walks held in North Georgia. On April 7th, 2012 there will be a "Jogging for Joan" team at the Breathe Deep Blue Ridge 5K benefiting LUNGevity. Click here for information on the event and here to join our team. See you there! |