by Lynne Eldridge MD This post was originally published at on November 12th, 2012. --- Thanks to one solitary person with tsunami-like vision, Lung Cancer Awareness Month 2012 will again be celebrated by a lighting of the falls. On November 16, 2012, Niagara Falls will be lit up in white for lung cancer. Not once, but twice. Last year I shared the story of how this came to be. A story that transcends the event, transcends the waterfall, and transcends even lungLy cancer awareness month. The story about how a single person who wants to make a difference, and doesn't say "I can't," can help each of us who hears it begin to say "I can." I know I felt that way after hearing Christine Dwyers story. You can read it here. This year, on November 16, 2012 from 8:00 to 8:15 and again from 9:00 to 9:15 Eastern Standard Time the falls will be illuminated in honor of Lung Cancer Awareness Month. If you get a chance to attend the event, dress warmly. You can watch the display from Niagara Falls State Park, NY, or from Niagara State Park, Ontario, Canada. But the really cool thing is that anyone, anywhere in the world can take part in this event via live webcam. Links for the live feed: Last year, despite the cold chill of November, Christine described the event as almost spiritual. As I remember her excitement, the thought keeps coming to my mind; what would happen if each of us lived the quote that Christine shared last year? "If you don't like something, do something to change it." Christine has lived up to that quote. The event last year was driven by her realization about lung cancer - that it affects far too many people; people from every walk of life. Having lost her step grandfather, step dad, and best friend from the disease, she founded "Make Some Noise for Lung Cancer Awareness." Most recently, and after arranging for Niagara Falls to be lit again for lung cancer this year, her dear mother has also been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. As she stands in the cold -- but with a warm heart - watching the falls lit up this Friday, please hold her in your virtual arms. Photo: © Christine Dwyer
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